The first passport of Montenegro received a Russian

The first passport of Montenegro received a Russian

The first holder of the Montenegrin passport obtained in the framework of the program “Montenegrin Citizenship for Investment” was a Russian. According to the Investment Agency Apex Capital Partners, to date, several applications have been approved, but passports have not yet been issued due to closed borders.

However, as soon as Montenegro opened its borders after quarantine, a Russian citizen was able to visit the country, submit the necessary biometric data and obtain his passport. Note that the names of the holders of the Montenegrin passport will not be disclosed. The Law on the Protection of Personal Data in Montenegro prohibits the publication of this information.

The implementation of the project for the provision of Montenegrin citizenship in exchange for investment began on October 1, 2019. Validity is three years. Interested candidates must invest from 250 thousand euros in one of the projects in the north of the country or from 450 thousand euros - on the coast or in the capital of the country - Podgorica.

The list of priority sectors includes infrastructure, tourism, agriculture, and processing industry. The quota for the program is 2 thousand people.

The entry fee when applying is 100 thousand euros. This money is not returned to the candidate, regardless of the decision made - positive or negative. Buying real estate in Montenegro does not provide citizenship.

Applying for citizenship can be done remotely, applicants need to come to the country once. At the same time, investors and members of their families will not need to give up their initial citizenship in favor of Montenegrin, it will be possible to maintain both.

View the full list of authorized projects participating in the Montenegrin Citizenship for Investment program.

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