Montenegro economic citizenship program will not be extended

The economic citizenship program will not be renewed. Passport Montenegro. Pasos crna gora

Economic Citizenship Program "Citizenship by Investment" Montenegro will remain in effect until the end of 2021 and will not remain in force. The appointed Prime Minister of Montenegro, Zdravko Krivokapic, announced that he plans to change the vector of the country's economic development.

“We want to change the existing economic citizenship program to a citizenship program for highly qualified employees,” says Krvokapich.

Speaking about economic development, Krivokapich said that he would carefully compile a list of scarce vacancies, and then begin pre-qualification of personnel in accordance with real needs and forecasts of the labor market development.

In less than two years, the previous government of Dusko Markovic added 14 projects to the list of development projects that are candidates for economic citizenship.

Recall that the law on the program for the issuance of Montenegrin citizenship was released in November 2018. The program is designed for 3 years, and the number of applications is limited by quotas - 2 quotas.

Experts believe that Krivokapich is influenced by the events in Malta and Cyprus due to the decision of the European Commission. The European Commission announced the initiation of proceedings against these states under the "golden passports" scheme. Cyprus put the project on hold and Malta replied that its program would soon be canceled and replaced with new rules of residence.

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